Brette Popper

For nearly two decades, Brette Popper has taught yoga, meditation and breath-awareness techniques in New York City where she leads group classes and sees students individually. A voracious student herself, she re...

Introduction to Sanskrit (Part 1 of 2)


at Kula Yoga Project (SoHo) (481 Broadway, 3rd floor
(Grand & Broome) Manhattan, NY 10013)

The epic poems and ancient yoga texts of India were written in the Indo-European language of Sanskrit.

Svadyaya is a Sanskrit word that indicates self-study. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, svadyaya, including the reading of yogic works, is a basic premise of both Kriya Yoga (the yoga of action) and the Niyama (the qualities that a student cultivates whole-heartedly.)

Having a basic foundation in the Sanskrit language can help you cultivate a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy, psychology and history, thereby aiding in your own study.

Introduction to Sanskrit 1 will focus on the history of Sanskrit and the alphabet.

Introduction to Sanskrit 2 will focus on the names of popular asana and familiar terms that are difficult to translate like karma, dharma, prana and samadhi